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Welcome! My name is Hank Hamner and I created the short video you just finished watching. “Thane of the Thicket” is a genre-bending acid fantasy graphic musical that I am developing. The goal is to couple an emotionally engaging story alongside illustrations that will feature playable songs and musical cues indicated by sheet music and other forms of musical notation. I will continue to explore this world through animation as I continue to develop the story and artwork for graphic novelization. No chapter release dates yet, but please follow if you want to check out more artwork and music. Like, subscribe, and follow the Patreon link if you want to support the project. Anything helps.


So what is the concept? Imagine a world where words and music are not just vocalizations, but vibrations with power all their own. As such, sound can create extraordinary changes in your body and spiritual consciousness. It can even alter the physical properties of your surroundings. True bards command this system of magic and colloquially refer to it as, “The Vibe.” In this age, a true bard is quite uncommon but not rare. Mallow is a true bard. He is our protagonist. He is where the story begins.




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